Wednesday, 30 September 2009

2 music videos of choice

On call – Kings of Leon
Indie – Rock. We know this from the focus on instruments and music instead of appearance and dance routines. And also the sound is very indie.

The audience for this type of music is quite broad, teens to adults mostly. It’s the kind of music that most people can relate to. The channel it would most likely be on is MTV2.

Aspects of performance and modes of address:
The video uses direct mode of address as all members of the band look into the camera and the vast majority of the singing is done to the camera. We feel like we are be spoken to. There is no narrative or story line used in the video, with the focus being on the music. This makes them come across as serious musicians. The performance is more sombre and quiet than most music videos as they are promising to ‘be there’ and are taking it seriously.

The narrative is linear as it all moves in a straight time line. There is no story line for this video.

How the video reflects or produces an image for the star artist or band:
The video gives the band an image of being proper musicians as they are all playing their instruments and singing their own songs. They want to show that they are the real thing and not mass produced. Aspects of the video are very typical of the genre of music. For example all the members of the band are in the video and there isn’t a story line.

How the visual elements relate to the song; Amplification, disjuncture or illustration:
The video is mostly a contradiction to the song, with most of it not really following the lyrics at all, but there are aspects of amplification. The background of the video changes from day to night, this could be signifying that they are ‘on call’ whenever which is what the lyrics are saying.

Use of camera:
There are lots of close up’s of the band members, especially the lead singer whilst he lip-syncs. There are also lots of shots of them playing the instruments I.e. a close up of the guitar strings being strummed; this again reinforces the concept that they are true musicians. There are quite a few shaky frames, mostly close up’s of band members, these give an interesting and abstract look.
There is a wide shot of the whole band, and when the initial strong beat of the song kicks in it zooms from Caleb to the whole band.

The first shot of the video is there bands feet walking in a straight line against a white background, this blends in time to the music to a wide shot of the whole band. There is slow motion used in certain shots of instruments being played. Pulling focus is used quite a lot in the video, and the pace of editing is slow at first, but gets faster, which matches the beat.

Mise en scene:
Lighting- Timed to music. At the start there are lots of beams and flashes of light as the beat kicks in. As the background changes, the lighting on the band changes from being bright light, to being a dull light.
Costume- They are all wearing black, again showing that they are focusing on the music and not appearance. It is also a serious look, which matches the mood. It also shows them as quite normal people as they are not at all over the top.

Setting- Just a studio somewhere, looks like a normal band set up.

Props- Instruments are the key feature.

You belong with me - Taylor swift


The audience is teens to young adults and the channels it would most likely be shown on most of the music channels as its quite mainstream.

Aspects of performance and modes of address:
The video uses a mixture of direct and indirect address. There is a story to the video but there is also a lot of lip-syncing. The performance is that of a normal teenage girl, nothing over the top and no dance routines. The video reflects normal teenage life and so will allow people to connect to it.

The narrative is linear as it only goes forward in time. The story is that a girl likes a boy, but he has a girlfriend that doesn’t ‘get him’. The girl tries to get him to realise that they should be together, and in the end they are. This is a simple story that a lot of people will enjoy and/or relate to, so it’s good for catching audiences.

How the video reflects or produces an image for the star artist or band:
The video portrays her as a very normal girl, she has boy problems like most teenage girls and this makes her relatable. Her character is portrayed as slightly geeky, which shows the artist is willing to look silly, and not always be over made up constantly like other artists from this genre.

How do the visual elements relate to the song; amplification, illustration or disjuncture:
The video illustrates the lyrics. It has taken the story from the song and created the visuals to match it exactly. This makes it easy to watch as we are not trying to understand what the video is about.

Mise en scene:
Costume- Taylor wears normal everyday clothes that are not over the top and not revealing, both of these traits are common to the genre. At the end she wears a white prom-style dress and the kids at her school all look at her. This is supposed to show that she has come out of her shell and they all think she looks beautiful.
Setting- The video is set in her room as she talks through the window to the boy, at high school and a bus stop. Again these are all very normal places, reinforcing her normality.
Prop- She wears big glasses through most of the video, the kind that most people would consider to be geeky. At the end she takes them off, the taking off of the glasses could signify her blossoming.

Use of camera:
There is a Hollywood montage of her dancing in front of her mirror in different styles of clothes and hair-do’s. Lots of extreme and normal close ups of Taylor are used when she lip-syncs.

The pace of editing is mostly slow paced, but in parts it speeds up when the music does and also to show more aspects of what is going on. There are a lot of shot reverse shots used in the video, these are used to show the relationship between her and the boy.

Special effects:
The video doesn’t use any special effects.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Questionaire results

Most of the people we asked did not buy music magazines on a regular basis. The difference is of 20%. This could suggest that music magazines are not that popular. The people who said they do buy magazines prefer magazines such as Kerrang Q and NME.

The favourite choice of setting is outdoor, this could mean that by setting our video outside, we could produce a popular video. The second favourite is in a house this could also be a possibilty for our project.

This pie chart suggests that people prefer complicated videos to simple ones. It may be that people find complicated videos more interesting, and therefore people will be more prone to watching the whiole video, and will remember it as good.

This data could suggest that more people will watch music videos online than on television, this could be due to tha fact athat you can control what you watch on the internet, whereas on the television you cannot. There was not much difference in the findings though.

The majority of people who watch music videos will watch them between 4-7pm. This tells me that this is a favoured prime slot that music videos choose to be played at. Most people stated that they will watch music chanels for about half an hour, so it is important to get videos played in the prime time so that people will see them before they leave.

This pie chart shows we only asked 17-19 year olds. We chose to do it in this manner as this is the desired audience for our music video.

This pie chart tells me that the equal amount of people like direct than people who like indirect. This tells me that in our music video we should aim to use both.

This pie chart tells me that the majority of people we asked liked music videos which are funny. The difference was very big with a 40% difference. This data has inspired us to choose to create a funny video.

This pie chart tells me that people prefer a fast paced video to a slow paced video. This tells me that we will have to choose a fast song to match this chosen data.

This pie chart tells me that the most popular genre is rock. This will help my music video become a success as we have chosen this genre.

This pie chart tells me that the data is less valid due to us asking more females to males. The data could be reliable however as the band chosen is targetted at teenage girls.

This pie chart tells me that more people want a video that involves a film. The difference of people opting for a feature of a film is 74%. This tells me that these videos are most popular.

This pie chart tells me that less people buy limited edition cds than people who dont. This may be due to more people downloading songs off the world wide web.

This pie chart tells me that people prefer videos of live performance. This will likely to be successful as many people want the artist in the video.

This pie chart tells me more people like the idea of black and white videos than colour. We will try and follow this data and possibly use it as an idea.

This tells me that more people like dance routines in music videos. This data tells me adding a dance routine could be a successful idea.

This tells me that the equal about of people watch music videos than the ones who dont. This tells me that if i actually did put my music video on television it would likely to be played. The favourite channels are Kerrang, Scuzz, Q, MTV and 4music. This data isvery helpful as our video will most likely to appear on this selection of music channels. Peoples favourite music videos tend to be by Blink 182 and Bowling For Soup which are very similar to the band we have chosen.

This pie chart tells me more people enjoy special effects in their video by another 54 %. This tells me that special effects are likely to make the video more successful. I believe we should use special effects in our video.

This pie chart told me that 54% more people would like the artist to be in the video. This makes it very likely by using the artist in the video it has a higher chance of being more successful. I believe we should use our chosen artist in our video as it would most likely to work. Peoples favourite artists are Katy Perry, Nickleback Blink 182 and Muse.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Music video notes (disection of videos)

The lighthouse family - I wish I knew
The genre of the band is soulful pop. We can tell this because of sounds very smooth (no strong beat) and calm.

The narrative is non-linear; this is because the video features flashbacks into people’s lives. This is so that we can see that everyone on the train has problems. The video starts showing him, then others on the train (like the blonde girl) and then the video is him moving down the train, looking into peoples problems without actually talking to them and ‘taking them away’.

Aspects of performance and modes of address:
The video had direct mode of address, this means that people in the video address the audience. We can see this through lots of eye contact with the camera, and the singer singing and walking towards the camera. When passengers on the bus look at the camera, the visual changes to show the audience their back-story, for example, there is a girl who is a stripper, but we can see that she doesn’t want to be, because after dancing she sits outside looking sad.

How the video reflects or produces an image for the star artist or band:
The video reflects the artist as a completely normal guy. There is nothing noticeably special about him or the way he is dressed and he blends into the crowd. Although, he seems to be taking away people problems as he walks down the train, making him almost angelic.

How the visual elements relate to the song; illustration, amplification and disjuncture:
The visuals in the video amplify the lyrics. It takes the idea of wanting to be free and happy, and applies it in the sense that the singer seems to be taking away peoples problems.

Costume-The singers costume is a simple suit and hat. It’s a nice suit that gives the sense of him being middle class, however it does not stand out, and the colours fit the dull colours shown throughout the train. This allows him to blend in with everyone, showing his normality.

Main girl- The girl has pale skin and blonde hair. She is pretty but not so much that she stands out. Her paleness makes her look almost angelic. Her clothing is also simple, as if her hair and make-up.

Lighting- The lighting on the train is slightly gloomy, but at the end of the video when the passengers climb the station stairs to go outside, the light is very bright which is reflected in their performance as they smile in the light. The sun on the blonde girl makes her look even more angelic, and when she turns around, the sun makes it look like she has a halo.

Setting- The video is set on the subway this is an everyday place so fits with the theme of normality. At the end of the video when they go outside, it is as if they are ‘free’, whereas when they are on the subway it’s dark and gloomy and as if they are trapped.

On the train everyone looks gloomy and sad. This enforces the idea that everyone has problems and they are all affected by them. At the end of the video everyone is happy and smiling because they are free.

Camera angles:
There are many different camera angels used in this video, this helps to make it interesting to watch. There is a tracking shot of the main character, this shows that he is important and we should follow him. A midshot of the Chef dissolves into a close up of the frying pan and flames, this signifies that his job is hell to him. The camera zooms in on a girl, this tells us that we need to look at her, it then flashes to her back-story to show us her problem. When we are shown the story of the girl who is a stripper, the camera focus’s on body parts in close ups. This enforces the concept of her job being very sexual. It then cuts to a mid-long shot of the girl sat in a chair looking very unhappy, showing how much her job upsets her.
Another example of camera angels is when there is an extreme close up of someone’s face. Again, these close ups are to make us focus on the person, and show us they all have problems.

The editing of this video is very slow paced and matches the timing and pace of the song very well.
There is match on action at the start, when the blonde girl stands up and we follow her, then it shows her grab his hand. They use point of view shots, or eye line match, to show us that the main characters at looking at the people on the train.

Special effects:
They editors have used super impositions for the transfer of train footage into back-story footage. It’s very simple, and does not stand out much as a special effect, but it works well with the video.

The channels that will have most likely played this song are channels like Smooth and classic fm as it is a very slow and soulful song.

Chemical brothers- Hey boy hey girl

The genre is Dance. We can tell this due to the beat and the repetitive lyrics at appear to have no real meaning.

Audience: The audience is around 15-30 as it’s dance music, and this is the general age range that listens to dance. The music channels that it will most likely have been shown on is MTV or TMF

Aspects of performance mode of address:
The mode of address is indirect as no-one looks at the camera or addresses the audience in any way. It’s like we’re not there. There are also no elements of performance in this video.

The video uses linear narrative to tell it’s story. There are skips in time, but they are all forwards; we see the girl ‘grow up’. The video has a clear beginning middle and end to it. The beginning is on the bus for the school trip, the middle is her grown up in a night club and the end is her leaving.
At the beginning we are on a school bus and we see a girl reading. A boy then spits on her book giving us the impression she may be bullied by this boy. Then we are in a museum and the girl is on her own, until the boy comes up behind her with a skull in his coat. She chases him and breaks her arm. It cuts to show her with her cast and a picture of the brake. It then skips ahead to the future and we are in some kind of club bathroom, and the girl from the start is now grown up. She walks about the club and sees skeletons everywhere. She then leaves the club to go home.

How does the video create an image for the artist?
Although the video is for a dance song, it does not contain the usual ingredients used for dance videos. There are no routines or drugs that we see and everyone is drinking water instead of alcohol. This sets them apart from the crowd and makes them look trendy.

How do the visual elements relate to the song; amplification, illustration or disjuncture:
The visual elements both amplify and contradict the lyrics at times. The parts with the boy and the girl amplify the lyrics, and the images we are seeing seem to make sense with the music. However there are also elements of disjuncture in that the girl is portrayed as slightly nerdy in that she is the only one who actually wants to go to the museum, and we see her reading, and so maybe is not the kind of person who would listen to the song. Also, the skeletons seem to make no sense. There is no reference to skeletons in the lyrics so why in the video? It could be that people at the club are on drugs (stereotypical of dance genre) or they just contradict.

There are intertextual references in this video, as there are skeletons shown throughout it, at the start we see them in the museum, then when the girl brakes her arm, and then again in the club.
Costume-The costume is quite 90’s and simple. We assume she may be in a rave and so hasn’t dressed up to much so that there is no unwanted attention from the police at the rave.
Sound- when she is in the club bathroom, the song is slightly quieter, and then when she leaves the bathroom it goes loud again. This gives a good effect as that’s how it would actually be.
Use of camera:
There is a midshot of the girl on the backseat that cuts to an extreme close up of her hands so that we focus on them. There is a slow motion shot of the school children running but the main girl is walking, this signifies that she is a bit different and thinks for herself. The camera zooms in on the picture of her broken arm, then the scene changes to her room from the picture.

The pace of editing is reasonably slow for the genre. You expect dance videos to be very fast paced. It matches the tempo of the song well and uses mostly simple cuts.

Special effects:
The little girls face flashes into a skeleton, and then the scene changes around her and she becomes older. This is very interesting effect as we are not used to seeing things like it. The idea of skeletons continues to the end of the video, with all the people in the club turning into them.

Lily Allen – Smile
The genre is pop. It has basic factors of pop, such as lyrics that rhyme and catchy lyrics.

Audience: Teens and young adults.

The narrative is non linear. This is because there are a few flashbacks at the beginning to show her being sad. The rest of the video is linear. The story is that her and her boyfriend split up and she was very upset. Then she is coming up with ways to get her own back on him for example she gets people to trash his apartment.

Aspects of performance/mode of address:
The mode of address is direct; Lily sings and looks at the camera a lot. She is the only person who looks straight at the camera though. Although the song is pop, there is no dance routine, which is stereotypical of a pop video. It focuses on the story line, and the performance aspects are all about the relationship and its deterioration.

How does the video create and image for the artist?
The video portrays Lily as a normal girl. She isn’t dressed unusually or very posh, and does not seem overdone. It also shows that she has the same problems as everyone else i.e. being upset after a brake up, but portrays her as strong, as she bounces back and gets her revenge on the ex.

How the visual elements relate to the song; illustration, amplification and disjuncture:
The video compliments the lyrics, and then takes it that step further so it amplifies. The video shows what the lyrics are saying, that she was upset but now doesn’t care, and adds in other things like how she gets people to beat him up

Mise en scene:
Settings- Her bedroom is normal and girly, nothing out of the ordinary which again shows she’s just a normal girl. All the other settings also signify normality, a club, a cafĂ©, a street and his flat. Nothing is extravagant or unbelievable.

Costume- Lily’s costume is a dress with trainers. This is a trademark of Lily, as she used to wear dresses with trainers all the time. Her clothes are bright and girly and again pretty simple.

Hair and make-up- She has her hair up, and has lots of eyeliner and eye shadow on.

Use of camera:
There are lots of zooms and close ups of Lily as she lip-syncs. This is typical of music videos as it makes us focus on the artist. A midshot of hoodies, and then a tracking shot using a handheld camera so we know they are following him. A point of view shot is used when people are trashing the Ex’s house. A close up is used to show Lily putting laxatives in the boys drink, this is so we know what she is doing.

When Lily and her ex are talking in her flat, the footage is sped up so we can see everything that’s happened. The pace of editing is quick and matches the music. This makes it flow better and makes it easier to watch. There is a Hollywood montage of images at the start, showing Lily being upset and not knowing what to do with herself.

Special effects:
There are no special effects used in the video, however, at the end when she is walking down the street, they may have used a green screen.

The video portrays lily as a normal girl with normal problems. However, it also shows her as quite spiteful which is negative. It has negative connotations on the youth of today, as they are seen as willing to beat someone up for money, or trash other people’s houses.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009


Questionnaire Music Videos
What Is your Gender?
Male Female
How old are you?
12-16 17-19 20+
What’s you favourite genre?
R&B Indie POP Metal Rock Other_________________
Do you like the artist to be in the Video?
Yes No
Do you like special effects?
Yes No
What’s your favourite music video? And why? __________________________________________________________________________________
Do you watch a lot of music channels?
Yes No
If so what’s your favourite channel?

Who is your favourite artist?

Do you enjoy complicated or simple music videos?

Do you like dance routines?

What setting do you prefer?
Club Street House outdoor other
Do you like black and white videos?
Yes No
Do you prefer?
Direct address indirect address
Where do you intend to watch videos?
Internet TV Live
Do you prefer music videos……
Funny serious
Do you prefer abstract video or ones that go with the lyrics?
Abstract lyrics
What time do you watch music videos?
8-10am 11-3noon 4-7pm 8- 12pm
How long for?

Do you like videos of live performance?
Yes no
Do you like videos that feature clip from a film?
Yes no
What’s your least favourite video?
Do you prefer the pace of the music fast or slow?
Slow fast
What music magazine do you read?
Do you buy limited edition CD’s? Yes No



What is the basic function or purpose of a music video?
The basic function of a music video is to promote and sell the song as well as the artist.

When were the first music videos produced?

How are videos commissioned?
In each record label there is a department devoted to the commissioning of music. The person, or people, in this department have the say on whether or not to commission a video. They can reject videos at any time, and often have certain parts changed.

How much time does a music video usually take to produce?
Making a video is done pretty quickly as the label wants to get them out and start promoting the song as quickly as possible. They tend to take one or two weeks to plan, a day or two to film, then about a week in post production.

According to Ander Good win, what are the 3 different ways in which the visuals can relate to the lyrics of a song?
Illustration: The video illustrates the meaning of the lyrics. This is the simplest technique. The images can be somewhat over literal.
Amplification: This enhances the meaning of the song. It takes the meaning and develops it into something more powerful.
Disjuncture: This is when the visual imagery has no apparent relevance to the lyrics of the song. These are the videos that often seem to make no sense and are abstract.

What is a music video treatment or pitch?
A treatment is what a potential director for a music video creates to present to the record label showing what they plan to do for the video if they are chosen. All the directors treatments (often between 3 and 6 directors are asked to give their ideas) and the Artist and management will decide on the best.

What are some of the things to avoid when making a student video?
Well known songs, overdone effects-don’t try to cover up bad footage with effects, Aimless driving around, Scenes involving alcohol, cigarettes or drugs(even when it’s pretend), Shots of people just walking around, Speeding up or running footage backwards to cover up lack of footage, zooms, found footage, atmosphere-less stage footage, over the top stories.
The first music ‘videos’ were produced for the Beetles in 1965 for songs ‘Strawberry fields forever’ and ‘Penny lane’, however these were seen as more musical sequences and not what we would refer to as a current music video. Music videos became standard in the 80’s with the creation of MTV in 1981.

Notes a music videos

Media notes on music videos.

What do we usually expect from a music video?
· The band/artist
· Instruments (the playing of)
· A story or some kind of narrative
· Dancing
· A performance
· Quick editing

The main idea of a music video is that it will sell the song. It is a marketing device used to increase record sales and create a big fan base.
In 1965 the Beetles created musical sequences for the songs ‘Strawberry fields forever’ and ‘Penny lane’. Both directed by Peter Goldman, these can be seen as the first notable music videos. These were seen as Avant-garde due to their experimental features such as slow motion and unusual camerawork. These sequences were much more sophisticated than previous musical sequences.
In the 1980’s music videos became a standard after the creation of MTV in 1981. The first song played on MTV was ‘Video killed the radio star’ by the Buggels. These videos were cheaply produced with what were then highly technical effects such as the Chrome key.
All music videos are subject to censorship to make sure no inappropriate images get aired i.e. Michael Jackson’s video for ‘Black or White’ was censored due to Michael ‘inappropriately touching himself’, ‘Smack my bitch up’ by the prodigy and ‘Rock DJ’ by Robbie Williams.
Some would argue that music videos have made pop superficially based on image due to the clothing/make-up worn in most pop videos. It begs the question ‘Are pop songs enough on their own to make meaning and pleasure for the audience?’

“A good music video is a clip that responds to the pleasure of music in which that music is made visual, either in new ways or in a way that accentuates existing visual association” –Andrew Goodwin 1992
Andrews’s rules for music videos are:
1: Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics such as dance routines are normally shown in a dance and pop videos.
2: The relationship between lyrics and visuals either contradict or illustrate the lyrics.
3: The relationship between music and visuals will illustrate, amplify or contradict what is happening on screen.
4: The demands of the record label will include lots of close ups of the artist(s). Artists may develop motifs that will reoccur across the style or videos.
5: Frequent references to the motion of looking voyeurism of the female body.
6: Intertextual references (referring to something else).